
Convenient Delivery:

Have fresh bouquets delivered to your preferred location


Free Vase Included:

Receive a complimentary vase with your first delivery


Flexible Options:

Choose a pick-up option if you reside outside

Flower Subscription

Choose the details of your flower subscription in this form. We will contact you for payment and confirmation. A free vase is included with the first delivery.

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Blooms that Brighten Your Month

Enjoy a monthly dose of happiness with our Flowers by Subscription. Fresh, handpicked blooms delivered straight to you!

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Why Take Our Subscription

Regular Freshness: Enjoy ongoing access to fresh, seasonal flowers.

Value with Every Delivery: Receive a free vase with your first bouquet.

Convenience and Choice: Opt for delivery to your home or office, or choose pick-up if you're outside our delivery location.

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Experience the beauty of Luxe Petals' Flowers by Subscription


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